Friday, July 27, 2012

Ode to Airplane

Ode to Airplane

Airplane Airplane
Heavy Metal
Flying throughout the gigantic sky
Transport, flight
Lots of things to do
Not only flying?
Used for forecasting weather
and rescue

Sometimes it breaks
but almost never

Fast and convenient
The speed of sound

Delta, American Airlines
Asiana air, Korean air
So many companies

Korea, Japn
US, China
So Many Countries

Let's ride airplanes together!


  1. Pretty great ode but litle bit of mistakes in there

    But I pretty like it

  2. Interesting approach since you wrote your ode in poetry! You gave good characteristics of an airplane: heavy, metal, fast, convenient and etc. However, since it is a poem, try using some elements of poetry such as rhymes: "High up in the FLIGHT, Aren't you afraid of HEIGHT?" Still, it is a good work overall.
